After I had finished Orcs Must Die, I played Mass Effect 3. Of course I didn’t have a ME2 save so I got a shitty game play experience. Although not so shitty since I got the ending where Shepard lives. So to experience the game fully my husband bought me Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 on the PC from Origin. Then I just remembered how my husband detest playing Mass Effect (ONE) because of the Mako mechanics. I was in for a slow long hard grind.
I started with Mass Effect (ONE) and just was like, “OMG it’s not as pretty as Mass Effect 3 but whatever just play through it! Just DO IT! Bear with the graphics that isn’t as awesome as it is now. Remember this was made five years ago.” So I stuck with it. Until I got to the first Mako mission, where I had to find Liara. My teeth never hurt so much after driving around in the Mako for an hour. Seriously, I was driving for an hour, critical mission failures three times at three different points. This is when I decided I hate the Mako. 80% of the game is driving this stupid vehicle. So much stress to drive this stupid thing. All I can think about is how the squadmates are dealing with riding in this thing. I mean it flips over turns upside down and sometimes stays upside down until you throttle the jet boosters. Takes forever to regen the barrier for the stupid thing. I would site for 10 mins waiting for the barriers shields to regenerate to full.
I went paragon on my first play-through of the game. Saved Wrex, saved Kirrahe, let Ashely die cause fucking hell I can’t stand Ashely’s attitude to aliens. It’s so racist, or I guess in this case so xenophobic. I wanted to punch her in the face everytime she says something about “this is an Alliance ship why have those aliens on it.” Boot to the head bitch! I guess it’s the same way when guys play this game and they let Kaiden die. I don’t know. So again, saved Wrex, saved Kirrahe, let Ashely die, romanced Kaiden, I was a bitch to Liara. Little pansy priss that can’t take a mind (raping) melding so easily.
Then I saved the Council.
Then it ends and I’m thinking wait doesn’t it save? Cause it didn’t. Again first time I played it so I don’t know what is to happen. So there started to play Mass Effect 2. I was able to import my Mass Effect file and yay the game starts. While I played the game and get deeper and deeper I was like fuck I hate this Jacob character. I mean totally hate him. The personality the character background and his angst against his father. DO NOT LIKE. SO TOTALLY LOATHE and the further along I play the game and a conversation comes up with this character I just want to punch him in the face if he was like physically real right in front of me, and then telling Tali to say hi to EDI the ships AI was like egging on a confrontation considering the Quarian’s past history with their own made AI the Geth. That was a douchebag move Jacob.
I can deal with Miranda, she had a bit of an attitude though, but I can deal with her. After the first mission first thing I did was get my buddy Garrus. HAHAHA! Cause in Mass Effect (one) I was a vanguard and my most used squadmates was Garrus and Wrex. Cause for some reason I never die with those two on my team. I tried Garrus and Kaiden but Kaiden freaking dies so much when I had him in the team. Then that caused me to die cause Kaiden was dead and not shooting shit. So got Garrus, then Mordin then Grunt (who’s so freaking adorable for a Krogan) and so on and so on.
Went to Horizon met Kaiden, and boom he became a douche. So I was like “what the fuck Kaiden, we get to boom boom in my room and you think I was pretending to be dead all this time? Da FUQ! I’d put my boot in your face if this game would let me.”
Then I went did the rest of the missions got more people, and then LOYALTY missions. Most so easy. Also got DLC characters Zaeed and Kasumi so yeah, expand the storyline further. Well starting with Kasumi’s loyalty mission, only me and her as squadmates. Bummer, I gotta fight shit with just one other squad mate instead of the trinity. Of course gave me a new casual outfit. =D Shot a vase and made the crime boss mad! Whoops, let me take down all your guards and minions while I shoot my way to the helipad. At the end made Kasumi keep the data.
Zaeeds mission, I guess either way you do it you get his loyalty. Hubby stopped to save the people which made Zaeed ex-partner escape and he had to save Zaeed from something that fell on him and pinned him down. I however did not save people, and let Zaeed get his revenge. He burned his ex-partner to death. Why have I seen that scene somewhere before?
Samara’s mission, not a lot of gun fight which is alright needed a break from pressing the trigger button so many times. Mornith dies which is fine because I didn’t seem to care too much for an Ardat Yakshi on the ship that can kill you by mind fucking you.
Thane’s mission, not a lot of gun fight either. Just a lot of sneaking around. It was kind of boring. Of course this leads the way into romancing Thane. Did not do that.
Grunt’s mission fun, killed the thresher maw, turned Uvenk into meat.
Mordin’s mission, so… much… talking. Saved Genohpage cure data saved Maelon’s life.
Jack’s mission, watched and listened to all recordings, paragon interrupt and let her look around before she blew the place up.
Tali’s mission, saved her father’s reputation with a Paragon select. Although I am tempted to see the Renegade select, unless it’s the same. I’ll be doing that in my current Renegade playthrough.
Jacob’s mission, urg, so boring so lame, so angsty. I am all up for angst and whatnot and I do care for the occasional emo persona (aka Cloud Strife, Sephiroth) but this character is just so lame to me. I have no care for him. I just tried to do it quickly as possible. My discussion with some of my friends on Jacob’s character came to the conclusion that Jacob is the typical black stereotype, of “daddy not being there” for them etc. I just think he was generally poorly made in character developement.
Miranda’s loyalty mission, was alright, a lot of shooting. My favorite part of the loyalty mission is the renegade interrupt where you shoot down the crates and it explodes. The look on one of the salarian’s face when his buddy came flying right past him to his death. You can see in the video below (not mine) at 1:45. I laugh at that look every time.
Garrus’s mission, paragon everything. Best part when Garrus headbutts Harkin after Shep prevents him from shooting him. “I didn’t shoot him.” Video below at 2:55. =D After this you’re able to romance Garrus. Of course I did. Bing! So of course the whole romance Garrus thing because this awkward conversation and it’s so adorable to me. Although could do without the creep face smile from Fem Shep.
Legions mission just right before the crew gets kidnapped by the Collectors. Easy, rewrote the heretics, Paragon it’s conflict with Tali and saved the day yet again.
Did the DLC Lair of the Shadow Broker, STILL do not like Liara.
Collectors Base, everyone LIVES! Destroyed base and on to Mass Effect 3, and this time with a better storyline than the default.
Although when Kaiden asked in the hospital if there was something between Garrus and my Shep I was thinking, “you know back on Horizon you were a dick, what the fuck yo.”
Choice to re-romance Kaiden or Garrus, I chose Garrus, cause Kaiden you fucked it up in ME2. Eat my foot.
Paragon most everything, and this Kai Leng character seems useless to me. I was then told that he was suppose to be the antagonist to Shepard. I think the Reapers are antagonist enough along with the Illusive Man and Cerberus, and why a freaking ninja? Did the Bioware empolyees at character development watch too much Narutard or something to make Kai Leng a freaking ninja? Seriously. NINJA? /SMH
So with all that done with all surviving characters form ME2 I was happy with the storyline in ME3, unlike when I played it the first time and got a boring generically defaulted storyline from where you didn’t play ME and ME2.
Yeah so this is what was taking up my life for the last two months, and why I haven’t blogged much because of it. Then I played it on the 360 because I wants my 360 Achievements. HAhaha.
Then Diablo 3 was released and so that is to be left for the next blog post.