Holiday Havoc

It’s been a busy month for me, and I haven’t gotten many pages done due to the fact that I had to do handmade gifts for the family. We were a bit tight on money this month and it was just bad all around so we had to decide what to get the family. In the long run I had planned to make origami lucky stars in jars for the family and they all seem to love the gift. Also we has to make sure that my daughter was able to get a Christmas this year.

Anyway I’m finishing up some projects and commission request, and since it’s the end of the year I will try to get a page or two up before the new year. If not then regular updates after the new year. I was going to make a holiday holder for the site but again I was rather busy with real life stuff. So this is a news update letting you guys know that I have not croaked. I’ve just been occupied.

Hope you all had a very happy holiday and a very Merry Christmas.

Have a wonderful New Year. Be safe.